“The stock market is filled with individuals who know the price of everything, but the value of nothing.” – Phillip Fisher
Where are we, at the end of June 2019?
Last month I talked about May’s decline being a normal pullback in the ongoing bull market, as the averages lost over 6%. In June, that proved to be true, as the averages gained all of that back and more. YTD, the averages are up anywhere from 14+% (NYSE Composite, Dow) to over 20% (Nasdaq). Our fixed return funds have been up 5+% YTD with the exception of the Stoneridge fund, which I’m in the process of selling. Finally, I’m extremely pleased with our REITS (Starwood and Blackstone) which have been way outperforming expectations. The only worrisome thing is that bull markets are supposed to climb a wall of worry, so I guess that’s a good reason to stay vigilant.
I will be contacting many of you about moving certain funds out of our floating rate funds and into the above REITS – there will be some paperwork required.
How Did the Markets and our Funds Do in June 2019 and YTD?
All index and fund returns are courtesy Morningstar.com. Here are the index returns and our fund returns:

Your investment return(s) for June 2019 and YTD was/were as follows:
We should talk if you would like to review exactly where you stand or if we should consider a change. I am available at your convenience. I have Skype video in case you would like to do a video conference.